Version 0.7.1 of jekyll-theme-switch has been released!

Add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-theme-switch'

Run bundle install, then set the theme in your _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-theme-switch

Release Notes


  • Added Mastodon profile link. Configure mastodon_profile with your handle, e.g. Adds the rel="me" attribute, so your blog will get a green check mark on your Mastodon profile!
  • Added plugins to theme gem, now they actually work when you use the theme. Add jekyll-theme-switch to your plugins in _config.yml.
    • Blog series support. Define a series_slug header in a series index post, add series headers referring to the slug to series posts
    • Tags:
      • category_link creates a link to the page of the given category
      • video inserts a HTML5 video player for the given file
      • vimeo inserts a Vimeo player for the given URL
    • Filters:
      • filesize returns the size in bytes of the given file
      • mastodon_url returns the Mastodon profile url of the given handle, e.g. turns into
      • normalize_whitespace replaces all repeated whitespace into a single space
      • songlink creates a Songlink embed based on its Songlink
  • Added the date a post was modified to the post’s header, based on the modified_date field of the post
  • Added the ability to change the <channel> element of the RSS feed, by overriding the _includes/rss/channel.html file
  • Added the configuration option site_repository_base_url which is used to construct an ‘Edit this page’ footer text
  • Added the ability to translate certain strings, by overriding the _data/i18n.yaml file
  • Added overridable post navigation in _includes/post_nav.html
  • Added full post contents in index, with shadow to hide the overflow


  • Changed the homepage to a responsive Material Design card list
  • Moved the <head> tag from _includes/head.html to _layouts/default.html, so uses can easily extend the head section
  • Changed tag and category index templates use the same template (overridable through _includes/post_list.html and _includes/post_item.html) as the home page
  • Changed the homepage back to a normal Material Design card list


  • Fixed background of posts in dark mode
  • Fixed an off-by-one error in printing month names
  • Removed assets/image from gemspec, shrinking the gem from 8 MB to 22 kB